ACTUARIAL Group is certified through Actuarial, Lda. by DGERT, an official entity that, in Portugal, ensures the Certification of Training Entities.
This activity focuses on topics of interest to insurers, pension funds and companies with interest in insurance and pension plans.


Regular events that seek to present topics of interest to the recipients of our Workshops. 

Under this form of trining, ACTUARIAL Group has clients from 27 countries: Angola, Bahrain, Belgium, Brunei, Cape Verde, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mozambique, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.


Events that are designed to meet specific requests and that meet the needs of a recipient, usually an insurer, a bank, a pension fund management company or an entity with interest in insurance and pension plans.

Under this form of training, ACTUARIAL Group has clients over 10 countries: Angola, Bahrain, Belgium, Cape Verde, Egypt, Kuwait, Mozambique, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

ACTUARIAL Group organizes different Workshops every year in different countries.

The Workshops deal with topics related to a wide range of subjects that we believe can be grouped as follows:

- Non-life insurance
- Life insurance and financial products
- Pension funds

- Actuarial techniques for non-actuaries
- Actuarial science, enterprise risk management and risk based capital
- Claims reserving, pricing, ALM and Solvency II

- Assets, liabilities, derivatives and real estate valuations

- Accounting and financial reporting
- Investments
- Reinsurance

- Managemento of insurers and pension funds
- Product management, data mining e prices management
- Risk management and industrial risks analysis
- Claims management
- Strategic management
- Quality Management

- Sales techniques, customer relationship management and management of distribution channels
- Governance and Compliance

- Fraud


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