The back office management is ensured in a modular way, according to the needs of each client, using the Insurance Management Software and the Pension Fund Management Software developed by the ACTUARIALl Group.


Actuarial Polices
Issuance and maintenance of policies, with the respective dispatch of documentation to the recipients.
Actuarial Reinsurance
Integration with Ceded Reinsurance and Co-insurance.
Actuarial Collections
Management of collections of premium receipts and interaction with the various distribution channels, with and without commissioning.
Actuarial Claims
Settlement of claims, integrating the management of personal injuries, the management of provisioning and payments to beneficiaries and providers.
Actuarial Accounting
Possible integration of all the activity with the system of Management of Insurance Accounting.


Actuarial Participants
Maintenance of the participants of each Pension Fund.
Actuarial Contributions
Registration of participants' contributions.

Actuarial Benefits
Allocation of benefits to participants.

Actuarial Reporting
Regular information to be provided to the entity and participants.


Actuarial Management Control
Management Control Reports, with the follow-up of the technical and financial results of the activity in the various áreas, that support the management.


Actuarial QRTs
Completion of the solvency reporting maps for the Supervory Authorities.

 IFRS 17

Actuarial Management of Insurance Contracts
- Regular calculation of the Contract Service Margin values;
- Provision of results to be used by the financial area of the insurer.
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